The Author of a True Marriage
Yes. True Marriage is the name of our blog but we are certainly not the authors of a True Marriage. The Author is God who also happens to be Creator, Founder and Editor in Chief. Ha! These last couple months I've been questioning this journey we've been on in our marriage. I tend to do that when the journey leads through a valley or a low place. Marriage is very much like life. It has its highs and its lows and everything in between. All of which are necessary for the growth of a marriage. As I was questioning this valley, I heard God say "
I am the Author and Finisher of your faith then who are you to question the story I'm writing through your life?" Whoa! Yea. When God speaks to you like that, your eyes are instantly opened and you can't help but correct your thinking. Simply put, God decides when there are climaxes and plot twists in your life. He's the Author. So back to being in a valley. If you've ever hiked mountains you know that when you're in a valley or at a low point on the trail your ability to see what's ahead is limited. You can't see the grand view of where you are exactly. All you can really see is what's currently around you and possibly an uphill climb in the near future. It gets tough. You want to see the end result and feel the high of reaching the mountain top. All you're thinking is, "Gosh, how much longer am I going to be in this valley?" While I found myself doing that at this point in our marriage journey, I realized that there's a purpose in the valley. There's a reason I'm being lead through it and it's not all about just getting to the mountain top. God uses the valleys in our marriages and in our lives to teach us to be good climbers. What comes after a valley? Usually a climb. What does it take to climb? It takes perseverance, strength, willpower, determination and patience. It takes someone who has prepared themselves in the valley. They've got what they need because they know there's a climb up ahead. To put it simply, the valley or low point in your marriage is a time God is using to strengthen you and your marriage. He has a mountain top for you up ahead but you won't make it through the climb unless you're prepared. God has encouraged me to use this time in the valley wisely, to dig deeper into his presence and let Him speak to me, to search my heart for things that could hinder growth and to build a solid foundation for the ministries, children, grand children, career changes, relationships ahead of us. I've been encouraged to change my perspective on the valley in my life for He is simply strengthening me for the next mountain top. This verse sums it up so well.
"When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. Psalm 84:6" Let God turn your valley into a time of refreshing and blessings for you and your marriage and then get ready, He's got a mountain top for you on the horizon. Many many blessings, Laura.