Truth With Love

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Reality Check

Instagram is one of the coolest inventions. It lets you get a sneak peak into the lives of your friends, family and celebrities. It's an instant snapshot of someone's life. This can be good and this can be bad. We tend to highlight our lives on Instagram in a way that can be deceiving. I'm guilty of it too. I can post a pic of me and my spouse and say some cute things like, "best husband ever or love my boo thang." HAHA! When in actuality we might have just fought an hour before this pic was taken but I didn't post about that moment. It would have been a pic of us with snarls on our faces and a hasgtag that says #Iwanttopunchmyspouseinthethroat. There's nothing wrong with a highlight reel; however, we can't let ourselves get so wrapped up in what other peoples lives, marriages, kids, jobs look like in comparison to ours. I would love it if Instagram had a #letskeepitreal month where people post about the real messes in their daily lives. But that's besides the point. The point is sometimes we just need a reality check in our marriages. We need to realize that EVERYONE has struggles. Marriage is not one big love fest. It's hard work that yields a great and beautiful reward. If you're comparing your relationship with someone else's online please stop. You are killing the value of your own marriage based on someone else's highlight reel. Life is hard and relationships are messy but they are worth it. Stop de-valuing your marriage because it doesn't look like someone else's. It's time to put the focus back on your life. Your life is beautiful even in the messes. Your spouse isn't perfect but God gave them to you as a gift and they have truly wonderful qualities that God designed to be a blessing to you. Take your eyes off of someone else's blessings and begin enjoying your own.

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