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New Things

New Things

2016 is a new year, obviously! But think about that. Never has there been a 2016th year and never will there ever be again. Today is a brand spanking new day in a new year that is ripe with limitless possibilities and opportunities. God is always doing a new thing. He is the Creator and He wants to create something new in your life and marriage in 2016. So how do we partner with Him in that? One of the biggest lessons I've learned about growth in marriage is that in order for God to do new things, we have to be willing to let go of the old or the past. In regards to the past that affects the future, it can be anything that happened in the past that has produced unhealthy habits and/or behaviors that recurs in the future. This can be a sin you struggled with, a past romantic relationship, a hurt that your spouse caused you, an issue you had resulting from your upbringing or childhood, etc. Only you can know what that is. Also, letting go looks differently for everyone. It can be a one and done type of thing or it may require a more in depth process like counseling or therapy. You'll know what it will require for you to "let that go."

At a critical time in our marriage God spoke to me about this. It was one of the biggest turning points. I could see all that God wanted to do and I didn't want to be the thing stopping that. Letting go isn't easy. We only see what we can see but God sees the bigger picture and though it is painful to let go of the past, it is the only way to move forward and allow God to create new things in us and in our marriages. Let go of what was so you are prepared to fully grasp and embrace what is to come. Your marriage has not seen its best days. Its best days lie ahead.

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

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