On June 18th our Marriage turned 10! Happy 10th birthday to our Marriage! haha! So if you look at our marriage from that perspective, I mean turning 10, it is no longer a baby and it's not quite a teenager so it's a tween. A pre-teen! We have a pre-teen marriage, folks!! But truth be told, we sometimes expect more from our marriage then it can actually give at the stage of life that it's in. I know I do. I'm like, "We've been married for TEN YEARS!! We should be total experts by now!" but when you compare 10 years to other developmental timeframes, say, the growth of a person, 10 years isn't very much time and you're still figuring out who you are and who you want to be. You've got the basics but you are still maturing tremendously and rapidly. Honestly, our marriage at the beginning, was very much like a baby. It needed A LOT of attention (not that it doesn't now but it's a different kind of attention) and we definitely had the terrible twos!! :) But now there's this new thing happening in our marriage where it's really starting to mature. I have to remind myself of how young our marriage really is and put less pressure on it to be something it's just not ready to be. Of course I'm not saying we shouldn't push ourselves and grow but we need to be aware of the pressure we put on it to grow faster than it's supposed to. We want our marriage to slowly develop into a beautiful, mature and safe place of deep intimacy. So whether your marriage is 2, 10, 20 or 50 years old, enjoy the stage you're in and grow at the pace that should be expected of that age!